Our varnish removal services are specifically designed to eliminate varnish buildup, which can cause problems for your machines. With our specialized solutions, you can rest assured that your equipment will be running smoothly and efficiently.


Varnish is a thin, hard, shiny, insoluble residue in oil, consisting mainly of organic residues. Its color can vary, but it usually appears in shades of gray, brown, or amber.

Therefore, Varnish is the effect, not the cause.

When oil molecules encounter oxygen under favorable conditions, they react to form acids and oil insoluble by-products that form sludge and surface deposits such as varnish. There are several factors that can promote oxidation, and these include:

  • Heat
  • Water
  • Water debris (Metals)
  • Aeration
  • Sludge

When a varnish problem occurs, changing the fluid does not solve the problem. If fresh oil is introduced to a system with varnish deposits, the oil will act as a cleaning fluid, removing the varnish inside tanks, pipes, or valves, and redistributing throughout the system, often with a build-up that gets worse.

The use of proper varnish removal units and dedicated fluids specially designed for this purpose constitute the most suitable solutions.

Types of varnish removal solutions:

  1. Resin Bonded/Ion Exchange Filters
  2. PP/Cellulose Based Filters
  3. Solubility Enhancer Fluids


  • Proprietary varnish removal solutions to effectively eliminate buildup
  • Thorough cleaning of machines for optimal performance
  • Prevents varnish buildup from causing issues with machines
  • Expert team of technicians to perform varnish removal services



Oil Filtration & Tank Cleaning

Especially in the newly established systems, this cleaning operation with chemical liquids is carried out before is started for system performance and proper operation.


Measurement & Analysis

Porta eget vitae vitae tempus urna elementum fermentum. Nulla sit luctus mauris enim ipsum malesuada.


TMR®-Air systems cost effectively remove all 3 forms of water from lubricants and hydraulic fluids through mass transfer which is a highly effective, non-mechanical process.
The Eaton breather filters of the EBF Series “breathe” air in and out as the oil level rises and falls. The filters prevent the penetration of contamination from the ambient air in the hydraulic fluid.
Eaton’s MAXILINE VMBF multi-bag filter housing is user-friendly, cost-effective and designed for high volume applications and processes demanding frequent filter bag change-outs.

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