Real-time continuous oil condition analysis with integrated intelligent equipment maintenance optimisation analytics. Detects and measures all and any wear and contamination. Any industrial or commercial application – any oil type.

Easy to install, the OQSx-G2 continually analyses oil in real-time whilst equipment is in operation and provides an accurate statement of oil condition. Any wear or contamination is instantly detected, measured to an accuracy of 0.001%, and reported.


Category: Fluid Management
Subcategory: Condition Monitoring
Pressure: bar


  • FULL SPECTRUM HOLISTIC (FSH™) – Detects all and any wear and contamination: water, acid, fuel, viscosity, different oil types, carbon, particles etc.
  • ABSOLUTE ACCURACY – The FSH technology within our sensor enables it to have a oil quality change sensitivity detection of 0.01% (10ppm) with an accuracy margin of +/-0.5%. REAL-TIME – Continuously analyses oil condition on operating equipment and reports oil condition every two seconds.
  • ROBUST & RELIABLE – Proven around the world for use in even the most extreme industrial and commercial applications.
  • EASY TO INSTALL – Quick and easy to install on any equipment with plug & play integration with any existing data reporting and display systems.



The mobile CCS 5 contamination control system determines the solid contamination particle size distribution, water saturation and fluid temperature. The measurement results provide a basis for analyzing the wear on hydraulic components, observing standards and detecting damage early.
MS® depth filters include many different kinds of cartridge filters such as PP pleated filters, melt blown filters, wound filters and roll type filters.
Compact, portable and customized for your application, the drum topper is an option you can carry wherever you need to go.

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