2 to 8 Inches cast version

Eaton’s Cast Model 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning pipeline strainers 2″ to 8″ are available in cast iron or stainless steel. The strainers are available 2”, 3”, 4”, 4”L, 6”, and 8” sizes and feature Eaton’s Cenpeller™ Technology, which consists of a unique vane plate positioned at the inlet of the strainer element where it contacts the flow before it enters the element. The vane causes the incoming flow to move in a circular motion, forcing the debris against the surface of the strainer element rather than impinging on the element and lodging in the element’s openings. Lodged debris can negatively impact the differential pressure across the strainer, resulting in a shut down of the strainer, while the element is manually cleaned.


Category: Process Filters
Pressure: bar
  • Technology: Backwashing
  • Material: Cast iron or stainless steel
  • Flow Rate: up to 1,800 gpm (409 m³/h)


  • Flow rates up to 1800 gpm (409 m3/hr)
  • A broad selection of screen options
  • Automatic backwashing for operator-free service and minimal backwash effluent
  • Exclusive idL Shaft Seal for long-lasting leak free service life
  • Unitized modular assembly for easy maintenance
  • Cenpeller technology for more efficient and complete backwashing
  • Cast iron or stainless steel construction
  • High-efficiency motor


  • Process Industry
  • Power Industry
  • Pulp & Paper Industry
  • Sewage and Water Treatment Plants
  • Primary Metal Industry
  • Irrigation/pump house


The AFR Industrial Filter is a unique, expandable circular design for increased capacity in a compact one-square-meter footprint.
The CM Terminal offers the basis for combining various CM sensors in an easy to see location. Their outputs allow compatible information networking to the master system.
Silent fluid transfer pumps with Continuum® technology. Designed, patented and produced by Settima Meccanica 2VHL continuum® pumps are transfer pumps designed to handle a wide variety of fluids, with no operating noise. In few words fluid transfer in complete silence. The rotors of 2VHL Continuum® pumps have been designed using the innovative Continuum® technology, a synonim of silence, smooth flow, energy efficiency and high performance.

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