The world’s first no noise helical rotor pump invented, patented and produced by Settima Meccanica. Continuum® represents the no noise alternative to gear and vane pumps. Ideal for high pressure applications One of the most important requests from the industrial world is to create a better working environment, which is synonymous of higher efficiency, lower cost of production and better quality of life for workers. With no doubt, the reduction of operation noise goes towards achieving those goals. Hydraulic pumps, especially those used in high pressure applications, emit noise and/or vibration at levels that are unacceptable for specific existing and new applications. This is why Settima has designed a new, no noise pump tecnology capable of eliminating acoustic emissions and vibrations. Parameters influencing emissions of hydraulic noise are: – cavitation, – pressure peaks rising from trapped fluid between gear teeth, – ripple or flow pulsation. Continuum® – the no noise helical rotor pump – eliminates the root causes of noise thanks to a new sophisticated design and manufacturing.
NO NOISE CONTINUUM® TECHNOLOGY Differently from traditional gear pumps, the patented Continuum® helical rotors profile does not trap any fluid volume, resulting in a gentle fluid transmission and an outstanding reduction of pulsations. CONTINUUM® PUMP MAIN ADVANTEGES – Special rotors profile avoids oil encapsulation – No noise – average 15dB (A) – less noise compared to standard gear and vane pumps – Extremely low vibrations and pulsations – Very high efficiency for a wide range of speeds (up to 6.500 RPM) – Very stable and consistent performances at variable speed, also in case of sudden speed changes – Maximum operating pressure up to 300 bar – From 2.0 up to 300cc – Interchangeable with standard gear pumps